Friday, March 6, 2020

Reading the Russian Classics

Reading the Russian Classics The prolific Russian literary scene ChaptersThe heritage of ancient RussiaThe modern Russian works and the height of the Russian novelThe 19th century - the golden age for the Russian languageRussian literature in the 20th centuryWhat about Russian literature today?It’s a universally shared notion: Russian pronunciation is particularly charming, especially as concerns the rolling of the ‘r’s!This particular accent is often a delight to behold, even when someone is speaking English as a foreign language.There are many different reasons to learn Russian - a desire to teach the language yourself, plans to travel to Russia, interest is studying in a Russian speaking country, communicating with your spouse’s family in a cross-cultural marriage, expatriation…or a general love for Russian culture.It’s this last subject that we will be talking about today, as we examine Slavic culture via the lens of literature.This journey through time to examine Russia and its Slavic heritage through its favorite authors and book s should at the very least give you a desire to become truly bilingual and read the texts in their original Russian!The modern Russian language began to develop, first thanks to Lomonosov and his grammar, as well as to the works of these authors. The language is an arranged marriage between the popular spoken language and the Slavonic church version and occurred in 1755.It was the first time in Russian history that the national language was standardized!With the opening of the tsars to the rest of the world, many concepts and new technologies were imported from Europe to describe technical or conceptual realities which were hitherto unknown to the Eastern Slavs.With this new knowledge, do not hesitate to test yourself and your language skills in Russia. But first, make sure you’ve taken all the necessary steps to obtain a visa for Russia!Do you want to take Russian language lessons? You can find them on Superprof no matter where you are in the UK. Find Russian lessons London wide or in any city outside the capital.

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